Mitul Mistry

Web Developer

I'm a software engineer with experience in React and Rails.

I take web applications from design to implementation and I'm comfortable working in both the front and back end.

I have a background in object oriented programming, as well as visual design, and I use my broad experience to bring applications to life.

Technical Skills

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Python, C, HTML5/CSS3/Sass

Frameworks: React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, Django, Node

Databases: PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB

Tools: Git, Webpack, Docker, jQuery, Bootstrap

Concepts: Object-oriented programming, AJAX, RESTful architecture/APIs, TDD

Software: Linux, Photoshop, Illustrator


App screenshot


A Rails/jQuery web application to create and sort notes. Uses jQuery to communicate asynchronously with a Rails JSON API.


App screenshot

Friend Finder

A social networking application built with Rails. Users can discover each other based on interests and send messages.


App screenshot

News Summarizer

A command line application written in Python for accessing news articles and summarizing them. Integrates News API with an AI summary generator to easily browse and summarize articles.


App screenshot

Steam Top Sellers CLI Gem

A Ruby command line application to get the top selling games on Steam. Queries external API and parses JSON responses into custom classes.


Web Design

App screenshot

Frank Frazetta

Front page for a fantasy illustration website

Demo Site Github

App screenshot


Front page for art history website

Demo Site Github


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